Results for 'Emma Jane Frances Ogley-Oliver'

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  1.  49
    Practicing Community Psychology Through Mixed Methods Participatory Research Designs.Giovanni Aresi, Dawn X. Henderson, Niambi Francese Hall-Campbell & Emma Jane Frances Ogley-Oliver - 2017 - World Futures 73 (7):473-490.
    Community psychologists address social inequalities and problems by employing ecological principles, multiple methodologies, and participatory approaches to empower individuals, organizations, and communities to organize action and systems change. This article aims to contribute to mixed methods literature by presenting three models of mixed methods participatory research across a variety of geographic and sociocultural contexts. The models outline participatory processes and points of qualitative and quantitative data integration. Challenges related to the interplay between participatory approaches and mixed methods studies as well (...)
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  2. Country Patterns of Behavior on Broader Dimensions of Human Development.Gustav Ranis, Emma Samman & Frances Stewart - 2008 - In Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur, Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement and Volume Ii: Society, Institutions, and Development. Oxford University Press.
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    Routine inertia and reactionary response in animal health best practice.Emma Jane Dillon, Thia Hennessy, Peter Howley, John Cullinan, Kevin Heanue & Anthony Cawley - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (1):207-221.
    Animal health is a key factor affecting the economic efficiency of the dairy industry. Improvements in animal health are also of relevance to society more broadly, given important implications for animal welfare, food safety and quality. Although the economic gains of best practice with regard to animal health have been well documented, many farmers are not adopting optimal herd management techniques. This paper utilises nationally representative farm-level data from Ireland for 2013 to identify drivers and barriers to the adoption of (...)
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    Supporting structures for team situation awareness and decision making: insights from four delivery suites.Nicola Mackintosh, Emma-Jane Berridge & Della Freeth - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (1):46-54.
  5. Between the Psyche and the Social: Psychoanalytic Social Theory.Tamsin Lorraine, Robyn Ferrell, Kelly Oliver, Kalpana Seshadri-Crooks, Frances Restuccia, E. Ann Kaplan, Catherine Peebles, Emily Zakin, Lisa Walsh & Cynthia Willett (eds.) - 2001 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Between the Psyche and the Social is the first collection that specifically features the field of psychoanalytic social theory emerging in and between psychoanalysis, feminism, postcolonial studies, and queer theory, and across the disciplines of philosophy, literary, film, and cultural studies. This collection of essays takes the psychoanalytic study of social oppression in some new directions by engaging—indeed, stirring up—unconscious fantasies and ethical tensions at the heart of social subjectivity.
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    Zwischen Grundsätzen und Gegenständen. Untersuchungen zur Ontologie Christian Wolffs.Faustino Fabbianelli, Jean-François Goubet & Oliver-Pierre Rudolph (eds.) - 2011 - New York: G. Olms.
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    Discourse Communities and the Discourse of Experience.Miles Little, Christopher F. C. Jordens & Emma-Jane Sayers - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (1):61-69.
    Discourse communities are groups of people who share common ideologies, and common ways of speaking about things. They can be sharply or loosely defined. We are each members of multiple discourse communities. Discourse can colonize the members of discourse communities, taking over domains of thought by means of ideology. The development of new discourse communities can serve positive ends, but discourse communities create risks as well. In our own work on the narratives of people with interests in health care, for (...)
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    Restoring humane values to medicine: a Miles Little reader.Ian Kerridge, Christopher Jordens, Emma-Jane Sayers & J. M. Little (eds.) - 2003 - Sydney: Desert Pea Press.
    Does reading poetry make you a better clinician?Can euthanasia be understood in terms of the meaning of a life?What is the moral and existential significance of ...
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    ERPs differentiate happy from angry facial processing.De Blasio Frances, Rushby Jacqueline, Kornfeld Emma, Schollar-Root Olivia & McDonald Skye - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Achille Mbembe.Oliver Coates - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Achille Mbembe is a key thinker in contemporary African philosophy, who has been influential in literary and cultural theory, African literature, and postcolonial studies. Oliver Coates introduces key concepts within Mbembe's thought in relation to African history, literature, and philosophy. This accessible guide: - Considers examples from African literature in Arabic, English, French, and Yoruba, and shows the relevance of Mbembe's thought beyond Anglophone writing; - Explores how Mbembe's work relates to contemporary global events, and charts Mbembe's intellectual development (...)
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    Impaired mu suppression to negative affect in Traumatic Brain Injured Patients.Rushby Jacqueline, McDonald Skye, De Blasio Frances & Kornfeld Emma - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  12.  50
    Exploring individual differences in Affective processing using psychophysiology.Camfield David, Boyall Sarah, Kornfeld Emma, Taylor Monique, Wesnes Keith, Barry Robert, Steiner Genevieve, De Blasio Frances & Croft Rodney - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Flaming? What flaming? The pitfalls and potentials of researching online hostility.Emma A. Jane - 2015 - Ethics and Information Technology 17 (1):65-87.
    This article identifies several critical problems with the last 30 years of research into hostile communication on the internet and offers suggestions about how scholars might address these problems and better respond to an emergent and increasingly dominant form of online discourse which I call ‘e-bile’. Although e-bile is new in terms of its prevalence, rhetorical noxiousness, and stark misogyny, prototypes of this discourse—most commonly referred to as ‘flaming’—have always circulated on the internet, and, as such, have been discussed by (...)
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    Secondary Trauma: Emotional Safety in Sensitive Research.Emma Williamson, Alison Gregory, Hilary Abrahams, Nadia Aghtaie, Sarah-Jane Walker & Marianne Hester - 2020 - Journal of Academic Ethics 18 (1):55-70.
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    Logique hégélienne et systèmes économiques Henri Denis Paris: Les Presses Universitaires de France, 1984. 164 p.Oliver Clain - 1985 - Dialogue 24 (4):735-.
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  16. The automation of science.Ross King, Rowland D., Oliver Jem, G. Stephen, Michael Young, Wayne Aubrey, Emma Byrne, Maria Liakata, Magdalena Markham, Pinar Pir, Larisa Soldatova, Sparkes N., Whelan Andrew, E. Kenneth & Amanda Clare - 2009 - Science 324 (5923):85-89.
    The basis of science is the hypothetico-deductive method and the recording of experiments in sufficient detail to enable reproducibility. We report the development of Robot Scientist "Adam," which advances the automation of both. Adam has autonomously generated functional genomics hypotheses about the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and experimentally tested these hypotheses by using laboratory automation. We have confirmed Adam's conclusions through manual experiments. To describe Adam's research, we have developed an ontology and logical language. The resulting formalization involves over 10,000 different (...)
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    From “It Has Stopped Our Lives” to “Spending More Time Together Has Strengthened Bonds”: The Varied Experiences of Australian Families During COVID-19.Subhadra Evans, Antonina Mikocka-Walus, Anna Klas, Lisa Olive, Emma Sciberras, Gery Karantzas & Elizabeth M. Westrupp - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A Consideration of both Means and Ends: Values-Based Medicine and the Problem of Changing Values.Jonathan Epstein, Frances Griffiths & Jane Gunn - 2018 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 25 (1):33-43.
    Perhaps nothing so radically changes one’s value perspective as psychosis. In a moving article, writer Mark Lukach describes his wife Giulia’s struggle with an illness presumed to be bipolar disorder. A woman with a “concrete life plan … to become a director of marketing at a fashion company and have three kids by the time she turned 35”, Gulia’s acute psychosis resulted in her ranting “unintelligible babble about heaven, hell, angels, and the devil”. For her husband, Gulia had become a (...)
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  19.  48
    Beyond the Spectacle of Suffering: Agnès Varda's L'Une chante, l'autre pas and Rewriting the Subject of Abortion in France.Melissa Oliver-Powell - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (1):14.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:14 Feminist Studies 46, no. 1. © 2020 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Melissa Oliver-Powell Beyond the Spectacle of Suffering: Agnès Varda’s L’Unechante,l’autrepas and Rewriting the Subject of Abortion in France In the spring of 1971, three years after the revolutionary fervor of May 1968 in France, 343 women put their names to a courageous manifesto announcing that they were criminals of a particularly gendered nature. The authors of (...)
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  20.  16
    La profession d’avocat en Allemagne.Oliver Wiesike - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 64 (1):201-212.
    L’avocat allemand semble jouir d’un statut plus valorisant au sein du système judiciaire allemand que son homologue français dans le sien. La formation commune avec les futurs magistrats, en l’absence d’une formation spécifique de type école de la magistrature ou école des avocats, contribue à une certaine affinité entre les deux professions et davantage de respect entre elles. L’Allemagne a intégré les avocats en entreprise dans la profession, notamment afin de les faire bénéficier de la caisse de retraite des avocats, (...)
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  21.  29
    Collaborating with a primary care‐based research network.Emma J. Frew, Vicky Hammersley, Jane Wolstenholme & David K. Whynes - 2001 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 7 (3):339-342.
  22. It's not the end of the world: postapocalyptic flourishing in Cartoon Network's Adventure time.Emma A. Jane - 2019 - In Paolo Diego Bubbio & Chris Fleming, Mimetic theory and film. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Michael R. Lynn, Popular Science and Public Opinion in Eighteenth-Century France. Studies in Early Modern European History. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2006. Pp. ix+177. ISBN 0-7190-7373-1. £50.00. [REVIEW]Oliver Hochadel - 2008 - British Journal for the History of Science 41 (1):143-144.
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    Differing needs for Advance Care Planning in the Veterans Health Administration: use of latent class analysis to identify subgroups to enhance Advance Care Planning via Group Visits for veterans.Monica M. Matthieu, Songthip T. Ounpraseuth, J. Silas Williams, Bo Hu, David A. Adkins, Ciara M. Oliver, Laura D. Taylor, Jane Ann McCullough, Mary J. Mallory, Ian D. Smith, Jack H. Suarez & Kimberly K. Garner - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-12.
    Background Advance Care Planning via Group Visits (ACP-GV) is a patient-centered intervention facilitated by a clinician using a group modality to promote healthcare decision-making among veterans. Participants in the group document a “Next Step” to use in planning for their future care needs. The next step may include documentation of preferences in an advance directive, discussing plans with family, or anything else to fulfill their ACP needs. This evaluation seeks to determine whether there are identifiable subgroups of group participants with (...)
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    Erratum zu: Écrits sur le système pénitentiaire en France et à l’étranger.Norbert Campagna, Oliver Hidalgo & Skadi Siiri Krause - 2021 - In Norbert Campagna, Oliver Hidalgo & Skadi Krause, Tocqueville-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. Berlin: J.B. Metzler.
    Erratum zu:N. Campagna et al.,Tocqueville-Handbuch, sur le système pénitentiaire en France et à l’étra.
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    Cultures of Commemoration: War Memorials, Ancient and Modern.Polly Low & Graham Oliver - 2012 - British Academy.
    P. J. Rhodes: Preface Polly Low and Graham Oliver: Comparing Cultures of Commemoration in Ancient and Modern Societies Polly Low: The Monuments ot the War Dead in Classical Athens: Forms, Contexts, Meanings Alison Cooley: Commemorating the War Dead of the Roman World Angelos Chaniotis: The Ritualised Commemoration of War in the Hellenistic City: Memory, Identity, Emotion Avner Ben-Amos: Two Neo-Classical Monuments in Modern France: The Pantheon and Arc de Triomphe Graham Oliver: Naming the Dead, Writing the Individual: Classical (...)
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    László Moholy-Nagy's New Vision and the Aestheticization of Scientific Photography in Weimar Germany.Oliver A. I. Botar - 2004 - Science in Context 17 (4):525-556.
    ArgumentI propose that both Moholy-Nagy's suggestions that products of applied, particularly scientific, photography be employed as exemplars for art photography, and his practice of integrating such applied photographs with art photographs in his publications and exhibitions, laid the groundwork for an aestheticization of scientific photography within the twentieth-century artistic avant-garde. This photographic “New Vision,” formulated in the 1920s, also effected a kind of “scientization” of art photography. Rather than Positivist mechanism, however, I argue that the science at play was “biocentrism,” (...)
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    Biografia como gênero na história das ciências – O caso do físico David Bohm.Olival Freire Junior - 2020 - Circumscribere: International Journal for the History of Science 25:40-56.
    Neste artigo, analisamos os desafios historiográficos relacionados à produção de biografias no âmbito da História da Ciência. Em especial, discutimos as ideias apresentadas pelo historiador francês Jacques Le Goff em seu livro São Luís, publicado em 1996. Essa análise, de natureza teórica e metodológica, é cotejada com o esboço panorâmico da biografia do físico norte-americano David Bohm, recentemente publicada sob o título David Bohm – A Life Dedicated to Understanding the Quantum World. O tema tem relevância também para a história (...)
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    Natural Theology. [REVIEW]Sr M. Jane Frances - 1963 - New Scholasticism 37 (4):525-528.
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    Emma, or Happiness.Frances Ferguson - 2002 - Critical Inquiry 28 (3):749-779.
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    Ethical concerns in suicide research: thematic analysis of the views of human research ethics committees in Australia.Karl Andriessen, Jane Pirkis, Jo Robinson, Lennart Reifels, Karolina Krysinska, Georgia Dempster & Emma Barnard - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundSuicide research aims to contribute to a better understanding of suicidal behaviour and its prevention. However, there are many ethical challenges in this research field, for example, regarding consent and potential risks to participants. While studies to-date have focused on the perspective of the researchers, this study aimed to investigate the views and experiences of members of Human Research Ethics Committees (HRECs) in dealing with suicide-related study applications.MethodsThis qualitative study entailed a thematic analysis using an inductive approach. We conducted semi-structured (...)
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    Jane Hayward and Walter Cahn, et al., Radiance and Reflection: Medieval Art from the Raymond Pitcairn Collection. Catalogue of exhibit at The Cloisters, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 25 February-15 September 1982. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1982. Paper. Pp. 261; 16 color plates, 169 black-and-white plates. $25. [REVIEW]Judith Oliver - 1983 - Speculum 58 (4):1120-1121.
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    The Colonisation of South Africa: A unique case.Erna Oliver & Willem H. Oliver - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3).
    From the 15th century onwards, most of the countries in Africa have been colonised by theEuropean world powers, Great Britain, France, Portugal, Germany, Spain, Italy and Belgium.South Africa was officially colonised in 1652. Apart from the European colonisation beingexecuted from the south of the continent, South Africa also experienced a migration andinvasion of people groups from the north. The indigenous people groups, inhabiting thecountry long before these two groups arrived there, will be discussed as background to the restof the article. (...)
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    Cases, clusters, densities: Modeling the nonlinear dynamics of complex health trajectories.Brian Castellani, Rajeev Rajaram, Jane Gunn & Frances Griffiths - 2016 - Complexity 21 (S1):160-180.
  35. La Vie et la Matière.Oliver Lodge & J. Maxwell - 1908 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 65:299-300.
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    Dynamics of Stakeholders' Implications in the Institutionalization of the CSR Field in France and in the United States.Emma Avetisyan & Michel Ferrary - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (1):115-133.
    This study supports the idea that fields form around issues, and describes the roles of various stakeholders in the structuring, shaping, and legitimating of the emerging field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). A model of the institutional history of the CSR field is outlined, of which a key stage is the appearance of CSR rating agencies as the significant players and Institutional Entrepreneurs of the field. We show to which extent the creation and further development of CSR rating agencies, and (...)
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  37.  19
    Préface.Christophe Bouriau & Oliver Schlaudt - 2016 - Philosophia Scientiae 20:7-9.
    Le but de ce volume est d’impulser un projet de longue haleine, visant à donner de l’histoire de la philosophie allemande, du moins celle qui se déploie à partir de Kant, une image plus contrastée, plus riche, plus complexe, mais également plus complète que celle dont nous disposons aujourd’hui dans les manuels d’histoire de la philosophie. Ce volume est ainsi le premier d’une série d’autres livres qui viendront compléter et enrichir la perspective ici développée. Particulièrement en France,...
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    St. Jane Frances Frémyot de Chantal: Her Exhortations, Conferences and Instructions.Bede A. Dauphinee - 1948 - Franciscan Studies 8 (2):219-220.
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    Women Making Art: Women in the Visual, Literary, and Performing Arts Since 1960.Deborah J. Johnson & Wendy Oliver - 2001 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    This interdisciplinary book examines the work of several female artists since 1960 in the areas of dance, music, installation, photography, architecture, poetry, literature, theater, film, and performance art. Each chapter is primarily devoted to an important work by a single artist, seen within its historical context, and with particular attention to how each artist incorporated gender issues or feminist thought into her respective art form. Laurie Anderson, Gwendolyn Brooks, Jane Campion, Judy Chicago, Zaha Hadid, Pauline Oliveros, Yvonne Rainer, Cindy (...)
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    Fit to Perform: An Investigation of Higher Education Music Students’ Perceptions, Attitudes, and Behaviors toward Health.Liliana S. Araújo, David Wasley, Rosie Perkins, Louise Atkins, Emma Redding, Jane Ginsborg & Aaron Williamon - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:285375.
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    Frances Harper.Jane Duran - 2018 - Philosophy and Theology 30 (1):79-90.
    The work of Frances E. W. Harper is examined with an eye toward its place in the Black canon. It is argued that Harper was a major thinker of her time, along the lines of Ida B. Wells, and that further reading of her work is required, with an emphasis on the force of her religious views. She is also contrasted with other nineteenth century thinkers.
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  42. The Ethics of Matching: Mobile and web-based dating and hook up platforms.Michal Klincewicz, Lily E. Frank & Emma Jane - 2022 - In Brian D. Earp, Clare Chambers & Lori Watson, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Sex and Sexuality. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy.
    Dating and hookup apps (DHAs) are now widely used and may be transforming our intimate relationships. The apps are beneficial in fostering intimate connections among those who are lonely, who are members of minority or marginalized groups, or who live nomadic lifestyles because of work or recreational travel. However, the wider social and relational changes that DHAs portend are merely beginning to be seriously discussed by academics (Arias et al., 2017). In this chapter, we employ concepts from the philosophy of (...)
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  43.  14
    Politics and "politiques" in sixteenth-century France: a conceptual history.Emma Claussen - 2021 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This book asks how people understood the concept of politics in sixteenth-century France, and how those who practised it were characterised. Both concept and practitioners were referred to by the same word, politique. I trace written uses of this word as a means of studying shifts in the meaning of the concept and the figure. As much as this is a conceptual history, therefore, it is a textual, and indeed, a literary one. Part of the book's argument is that sixteenth-century (...)
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  44.  21
    Fit to Perform: A Profile of Higher Education Music Students’ Physical Fitness.Liliana S. Araújo, David Wasley, Emma Redding, Louise Atkins, Rosie Perkins, Jane Ginsborg & Aaron Williamon - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  45. Emma.Jane Austen - 1963 - Oxford University Press USA.
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  46. Art and Literature. Destouches and the London theatre: the 1722 performance of L'Ingrat and after / John Dunkley ; L'histoire anglaise à la française / Anne Richardot ; La littérature de faits divers criminels en France et en Angleterre / Lise Andries ; Greuze and England.Emma Barker - 2013 - In Lise Andriès, Frédéric Ogée, John Dunkley & Darach Sanfey, Intellectual journeys: the translation of ideas in Enlightenment England, France and Ireland. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
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    Women at War: British Women and the Debate on the Wars against Revolutionary France in the 1790s.Emma Macleod - 1996 - Enlightenment and Dissent 15 (1):3-32.
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  48. {PRIMA} 2017: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems - 20th International Conference, Nice, France, October 30 - November 3, 2017, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10621,.Daniele Porello, Nicolas Triquard, Roberto Confalonieri, Pietro Galliani, Oliver Kutz & Rafael Penaloza (eds.) - 2017
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    Conflicts of Interest: Time for a Change?Susan Holland, Susan Heenan, Margaret Harris, Emma Whewell & Jane Worthington - 2000 - Legal Ethics 3 (2):132-151.
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    Une controverse française sur la vision kantienne de la guerre: Avec un mot touchant la conférence sur la paix.Hans Vaihinger, Christophe Bouriau & Oliver Schlaudt - 2014 - Philosophie 120 (1):12-21.
    En France, un différend très intéressant touchant l’opinion de Kant sur la guerre vient d’être résolu. En voici le compte-rendu d’après les sources dont nous disposons. Le célèbre journal politique « Le temps » publiait dans le numéro du 17 mars 1899 un rapport sur « Une conférence de M. Brunetière » : celui-ci avait donné le 16 mars une conférence à l’hippodrome de Lille, devant environ 3 000 personnes....
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